Friday, May 14, 2010

When should tulip bulbs be dug up,separated, and replanted?

i live in south west michigan

When should tulip bulbs be dug up,separated, and replanted?
Whichever types of perennials you have, a good rule of thumb is to divide every 3 to 4 years. Another common rule of thumb revolves around the question of when to divide. Generally speaking, perennials that bloom in the spring and early summer should be divided in the fall. Perennials that bloom in late-summer and fall (Such as asters and many grasses and heleniums) should be divided in the spring. This gives each perennial a resting period before blooming season. But only divide after the foliage has naturally died back, as the leaves are feeding the bulb for next year's bloom.

Avoid dividing if the garden is very dry; and never divide a mother plant that is in bloom.
Reply:After the foliage has died down. Dig then let them dry completely out and store then until late fall. Plant them before very cold weather so they can "chill" in the ground.
Reply:in the fall, but only every other year or so.
Reply:You can do it the moment the flowers fade, but leave on the leaves etc. so they can replenish the bulbs, This is assuming you intend for the bulbs to naturalize. If you need to remove the bulbs because of severe winters, you do so after the leaves have become brown. Place bulbs in sawdust in an open box for air circulation and plant again in November or December.
Reply:This should be done in the fall. Don't forget to give them a little bulb fertalizer when you do it.
Reply:I don't know about you, but I'm not about to be out in Nov or December in the freezing cold with a pick-axe planting tulips.

I usually do mine in September or early October.

Just make sure you mark where they are when they're blooming or you could have a hard time finding them when you want to dig them up - lol.
Reply:Michigan is in zone 3, not 5.

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