Monday, May 17, 2010

If I plant tulip bulbs in a sunken pot, will that keep the moles and vermin from getting to them?

And will coating them in cayen pepper also help keep them put? I am using a bulb booster fertilizer instead of blood meal to keep from attracting vermin.

If I plant tulip bulbs in a sunken pot, will that keep the moles and vermin from getting to them?
after sinking them in the ground, place some chicken wire with 1 inch size holes over the top of the pot. Then cover over the top of that to keep the chicken wire from blowing away or whatever. Mulching over the top with cedar chips or cypress chips will also help. Rolling them in cayen pepper won't hurt them, but I highly doubt it necessary after encasing them in a pot. Put a 'used' dryer sheet at the bottom of the pot before you fill it. It will allow moisture to pass through and it will keep out any grubs or worms that could eat those bulbs!
Reply:OK, Blood meal actually repells rodents - I think you meant to say "bone meal"? Which does not attract criiters either... 'cept maybe a dog or cat who gets a whiff og the bone.

Also, moles do not eat your bulbs, they are insectavors and only eat insects, hwoeber, sometimes other critters like mice will use the moles tunnel to access your bulbs.

If you use a pot, make it a big one and yes that would help.

But have you had a problem in tha past? If not, just plant them - 3 times their own d height, deep and use the cayenne on top when they sprout in the spring.
Reply:I've used the chicken wire method above with success.
Reply:Line the flower bed, or garden with chicken wire with a small enough mesh that moles and vermin can't get through, then cover it with dirt and pland the bulbs
Reply:The answer to your question is NO. blodd meal and bone meal do attract rodents of different types. If moles castor oil applied to the soil works wonders, however if moles there is something else there ( ie: grubs, wire worms etc... ) which got their attiontion in the first place.

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