Monday, May 17, 2010

WHats up with this tulip?

Its flower fell off, and now it looks like a green stick, but its completely healthy is this normal, thanks. its warm outside.

WHats up with this tulip?
Tulip blooms don't last too long in warm weather. What you have seen happening is perfectly normal. A seed pod will now form. I tend to like to break these pods off because I feel much of the energy of the tulip will be used to make seeds which most people do not want. I suggest leaving both the tulip stem and leaves intact though as they are making food (carbohydrates) for the plant and most of that will eventually be stored in the bulb for next year.
Reply:tulips dont last long, it is perfectly normal
Reply:They are dying, which they always do in the spring. Leave it alone. It will be back next year.
Reply:What you're looking at are the seed pods. Tulips usually spread via the bulbs so you can cut it back unless you like the new look.
Reply:Supposedly if you want to get the most life out of your tulip bulbs, you're supposed to remove them from the ground and store them in vermiculite in the Fall, then replant in the Spring. It's recommended to do this every two years. They can loose some of their strength and life force, because they tend to split, or squirrels have damaged the bulb. If you should do this, the way you can find all of the bulbs to remove is wait till the petals drop off and the stems are still protruding from the ground. You can buy vermiculite in a garden store.


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