Friday, May 21, 2010

How long do you refrigerate tulip bulbs?

Before you plant them?????????

How long do you refrigerate tulip bulbs?
Well, if you have a refrigerator, use it. Put the tulip bulbs, in a paper bag and refrigerate it for 6 to 8 weeks, but keep them away from the fruit. Then plant the tulips.
Reply:thank you for putting these question!until now i did not what to do to forcing tulips to flower!!!i think that is the most interesting facts until now on this site!!!!
Reply:Never refridgerated them but froze them in freezer for a least a day. This will activate the bulb to believe winter is over (freeze) and the spring has begun. This is like changing of the seasons to a bulb. The bulb will act like spring then.
Reply:i do not now, ask a tulip.

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