Monday, May 17, 2010

How many times does a tulip onion grow a flower?

i planted tulips last year, and to my surprise, they grew again a few days ago!

should i expect them to grow again next year at the same time?

how many times do i get a flower from each onion at the same time each year?

How many times does a tulip onion grow a flower?
Do not dig up tulip bulbs. If you live in the right part of the country they naturalize, and come back every year. They may multiply, in which case you can dig them up in the fall and have more bulbs (not onions) to plant. They need a cold winter to build up their root system underground and then sprout and bloom in the spring. Their leaves should be left in place until they turn yellow, when the plant goes dormant, You can remove the leaves then.

In my are of the country the soil is heavy clay, and tulips only come back once or twice, declining every year. Digging them up would not help.
Reply:I just read in home and garden they will bloom as many times as you plant them. After the tulip has bloomed let the plant dry out in the flower bed naturally then dig them out and store them in a cool dark place in moss. Then plant again in the late fall or early winter. Bulbs left in the ground produce smaller blooms. By letting the growth die naturally allowe the bulb to get the norishment it needs to preserve until the next planting.

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