Saturday, November 14, 2009

Tulip flowering - repot?

I bought a pot of tulips that's currently flowering. I think the pot they came in is too small for them now and I want to repot them. Should I wait until they're done flowering or just move them now? Which will be better for them?

Tulip flowering - repot?
You do need to wait. You also need to leave the tops on them until they turn kind of yellow. The bulbs get nutrition from the leaves so they can produce new bulbs this summer %26amp; fall.
Reply:Well I would wait, the pot can't be to small or they wouldn't have bloomed...
Reply:It won't make any difference to put them in a bigger pot. Their root zone is small, and they are fine in the pot they are in. You can wait until they are done flowering, and sink pot and all into the ground so the leaves can finish maturing. When they have turned yellow, you can cut them off, pull the bulbs out of the pot and plant them in the ground where you want them to grow. Cover the bulbs with at least 6-8 inches of soil. Don't try to "save" them for fall planting, they will be better off in the ground.

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