Monday, November 16, 2009

Could you tell if you would have any tulip blossoms this year by looking at the new leaves that just came out?

My tulips from last year just came out with small leaves but I took a look at the inside(center) of the leaves most of them have nothing there.

Could you tell if you would have any tulip blossoms this year by looking at the new leaves that just came out?
If you planted them last year, they should definately bloom this year. dont transplant them or dig them up at all. this could hinder the blooming process. just be patient and let the flowers do their thing.
Reply:stop playing with them

they are just coming out relax

that is how they start just let them come up on their own
Reply:Tulips should be dug up and cleaned and the healthy bulbs planted the next season. They don't return well if left in the ground to return on their own. Also, I don't know where you live, but the bulbs need 4-6 weeks of cold to bloom well, so if your winters are mild, then refrigerate them for the time prior to planting. Good Luck
Reply:the leaves won't tell u anything. the flower is usually on the end of the stalk and that takes a while to form.
Reply:sounds as if they're still maturing, although with no heads yet, it could be that you cut the green back too early last fall and it needed that green for its growth for the next season. that's what they call a "blind" tulip. dig it up, and start over cuz you'll never get another flower from that. always let the green go completely brown before cutting it down.

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