Saturday, November 14, 2009

It's Daffodil and Tulip season, can anyone answer a couple of questions about them?

I planted Daffodil bulbs many years ago in several areas. Oddly, Daffodils came up this year in areas that I never planted bulbs. How can this be? I mean, if Daffodils had seeds that would make sense but how can bulbs spread from one place to another? Also, my tulips are coming up looking horrible. I put Deer Away spray on them (rabbits and deer love our tulips but our luckily, not attracted to daffodils) and it seems like it damaged the leaves, is that possible? I thought the ingredients were natural. What is the best way to keep deer and rabbits away from tulips other than sprays? I don't want to have to fence them in, it's not very attractive! Thanks for any info.!!! I just love spring and I LOVE all the different varities of daffodils and tulips they've came up with over the years, don't you?

It's Daffodil and Tulip season, can anyone answer a couple of questions about them?
Ground animals could have dug up the bulbs and moved them over the years (squirrels for example) Try cayenne pepper sprinkled on the flowers as a repelant.

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