Saturday, November 14, 2009

How do I re-plant tulip/daffodil bulbs??

My tulips and daffodils are overcrowding each other and I want to separate the bulbs and re-plant them elsewhere. Any tips on how to do that without killing them?? Thanks!

How do I re-plant tulip/daffodil bulbs??
Remove them from the ground. I will assume you knew enough to clip the tops off both and tie them up. If not, allow them to go to Father's Day weekend and then remove them from the ground. Purchase a box of the new vegetable storage bags (gallon size) and a small bag of spaghnum moss.

I clip off any green growth down to the top of the bulb, and leave the root growth. For one week I place the bulbs on a plate (not metal) in as much sun as is available and rotate every day. Within one week the outershell will be dry and a bit flaky (just like when you bought them).

In each of the venting plastic bag I line it with the Moss and put four bulbs. I back-fill the bag so the bulbs are packed in the moss. Identify the different bulbs and seperate, however, do the same with either.

Place the bags in the basement, out of sun, out of heat source, or garage. When you transplant them make a plan!!

Both need to be in groups to be effective, however, combined they are an eyesore at times. Four to six of either bulbs in a specific area works well. You can even make a bed of larger numbers, but, keep them seperate from each.

Plant them in a well prepared bed (BoneMeal, basic fert) along with the moss Thanksgiving Weekend. Hope it Helps.
Reply:Yeah this is easy. Take a flat heag shouvel. The square shaped one. Place it so that it divides the daffodil plant in two. Dig and cut to the root. You will see that it contains many buld (roots). Dig it out and add elsewhere in the garden. Water immediatly to prevent shock.

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