Friday, November 18, 2011

How can I make my tulip bulbs regrow?

I have tulip bulbs in a glass container inside my house. They just finished blooming and were beautiful. I was under the impression that I could cut them down to make them grow back up again ... but since they aren't planted in dirt, I'm unsure about how to proceed. Will the bulbs resprout and bloom again?

How can I make my tulip bulbs regrow?
Geiko is right but I would also add that if you put them into soil which they need for feeding you will want to cut them back after the green turns to yellow so they can also reserve energy. They can't just keep regrowing in water alone.
Reply:You can't cut them back.

That's the main trick with bulbs, they take the energy and nutrients from the plant before it whithers away to store it up till the next bloom.

If you cut it back, it won't be able to bloom.

Also, wherever you live, they need a cold spell in between. So if you're in a warm climate, put them in the fridge for the winter.
Reply:If the bulbs have given you the pleasure of their beautiful blooms,they have done their duty for one season,now is time they need to rest ,as suggested putting in soil is best so that the bulbs which are really store houses of energy for the next season ,can fill up on energy %26amp; nutrients,besides they will be ready for you when the season comes along,

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