Sunday, April 26, 2009

Tulip plant question?

I received a tulip plant for Easter. I live in Michigan. When is the best time to plant that in the garden so it will return next year? If I have to wait until Fall to replant it, do I need to do anything with this plant (like cut the leaves) to make it ready for planting in the garden?

Tulip plant question?
Usually a plant that has been forced in the greenhouse will not bloom again.
Reply:You can plant it as soon as the danger of frost has past. Since the plant has been in a warm house it would be best to wait till the dirt is warm as well. It will lose it's flower and next year may not bloom but will bloom again later. If you cut the leaves of plants like daffodils and tulips it shocks them into thinking they should not grow flowers so for as long as you can dont cut the leaves instead tie them up with a gentle twine and cut your grass around them and let them die off on their own.
Reply:Continue to water and feed (a big middle number is best) When the leaves die down in a month or so, plant where you want it to come up about 5-7" deep. Add a bit of fertilizer in the fall and that's all Enjoy your tulip next year
Reply:wait till the leaves and stalk die completely. cut them off. plant the bulbs in soil about 6" deep and cover with about 2-3 of good mulch. the bulbs will be fine till next year.

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